A platform for today and tomorrow
The Monuta Foundation has been thinking about the idea of creating a place for the elderly to share stories for some time. Specifically, elderly people who have experienced a loss of control and want to get back on track. For that group, there was actually no place where they could not only share experiences, but also find information about loss of control.
Sitting down with Monuta, it quickly became clear that this had to be a platform for a specific target group. The aging Netherlands had to be central. With loss of direction as a spearhead. Their content combined with our technology resulted in a beautiful Laravel platform. A number of elements that had to be present under the hood:
- A my environment for visitors.
- A tool that can provide users with personalized advice.
- Easy to manage for content creators.
- Must be able to handle large volumes, both at peak times and continuously.
An advisory tool built in Laravel Nova
One of the features that had to be present on vief.nl is the Vief Check tool. An extensive questionnaire where the user receives personalized advice based on the input. This tool was developed to help elderly people gain insight into where they can apply for a subsidy for, for example, a stair lift. It was therefore important that the design of the user experience had to be tailored to older internet users. This way, the colors contrast well with each other, the text is easy to read and it is made clear in which phase of the questionnaire the user is. The WCAG extension guidelines come into play.
The development of the platform was a big deal for us make or buy decision. The fact that we invested this outside the home had to do with Van Ons' expertise in the field of platforms and our belief that the collaboration would be flawless. That collaboration was (and is) very good.
Bas Brouwer, Strategy at Monuta
A customer environment built for volume
To give this advice tool extra power, we also implemented a My Environment. Through this My Environment, users can, among other things, save their personal advice and find it later. Because the information that comes out of that tool is quite extensive, this gives the user time to read it again later.
We developed this in Laravel Nova. This makes the site and the My Environment more resistant to high visitor volumes. Although WordPress can also handle this, Laravel Nova is the best future proof solution. Laravel Nova can easily manage both at peak times and continuously high volumes.
Want to know more about Laravel and how we apply it? Look here for information.
Within a year, the platform has grown into one of the largest elderly platforms in the Netherlands. Important factors in this success are the architecture at the back, the design and the user-friendliness. Van Ons hit a homerun in this one.
Bas Brouwer, Strategy at Monuta
Laravel Nova
We used PHP framework Laravel because of the limitations that WordPress entails. In combination with the Nova admin dashboard, Laravel gives us the opportunity to quickly build a platform that we can fine-tune in terms of features, performance and security. In addition, it helps us structure the code so that the platform can easily be expanded in the future.
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