How do you take the next step with your site and marketing? Using the Digital Power Method, we create an action plan on how to increase your Digital Power in the coming quarters. 

Is your website a digital business card? There is a good chance that you are not making optimal use of the opportunities of this digital age. Digital Slagkracht is about a site and marketing that contributes significantly to your business objectives. Month on month.

The guideline is the Digital Effectiveness Method, as described in the Handbook for Digital Effectiveness that Van Ons published in 2017.

The set-up:

  • You decide that you want to increase the Digital Power of your organization (more sales, more leads, more donations, more appointments, more applications, more turnover, etc.)
  • You will be given some homework (reserve about 2 hours for this)
  • During the session we sit with your team and various specialists from our team to create a roadmap for the next 12 to 24 months and an action plan for the first two quarters.