Now that your website, app, portal or platform is live, the real work begins. As far as we are concerned, a good digital product is never ready. Your company changes, your customers change and so does the ecosystem in which you operate. Change is therefore crucial to remain relevant, interesting and competitive.

There are many 'knobs you can turn' when it comes to the further development of your site. Below we briefly mention a number of them, and in the coming weeks we will elaborate on them for you in more detail.

Functional further development

The most important form of further development is adding new features or templates to your website. Perhaps you have included new products in your range that deserve their own landing page, or perhaps you offer a new service that should be included on your site.

Most internet agencies offer you punch cards that allow you to put a certain amount of hours into your website. Strip cards often have a limited amount of hours, which means you cannot make huge successes. Purchasing a fixed number of hours per week may then be a wiser choice.

Integration with other systems for more Digital Power

The next step in the further development of your site is to connect it to other systems. For example, Salesforce for extensive CRM functions. Or Exact Online for your orders. You can also create a my environment for users so that they can arrange all kinds of things online.

We believe that through full integration of digital channels, you will become much more decisive and achieve much more. By integrating your website with other digital channels, processes become smoother and more efficient and you improve the customer experience. And that leads to lower costs and higher spending by your customer. In short, you have much more Digital Power.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Another important pillar in the further development of your website is its promotion. You can build reach and increase conversions through advertising and by improving your position in the search engines.

Advertising (SEA) is a precise and labor-intensive job. You create campaigns, set optimal budgets and determine the target groups. Weekly or even daily adjustments are often necessary. The result of advertising is initially that you build up more reach and therefore attract more visitors to your website. You then want those visitors to also buy your product or service, i.e. a visitor who ultimately converts into a paying customer.

And that's why good content is so important. A customer who does come to your website via an advertisement, but who ultimately cannot be persuaded to buy something from you, is worth less than a customer who does. With the right content per target group you significantly increase the chance of conversion. That is why you often have to create tailor-made content per target group.

And by creating more content, you also strengthen your position in the search engines (SEO). By writing about relevant topics, you improve your position on those keywords. And that leads to more traffic to your site. If the content is good and relevant, you will also achieve higher conversions.

Optimizing your existing digital channels

You can also improve your existing channels. By doing tests in collaboration with your visitors, you find out what can be improved to make your site clearer and better.

You can do eye tracking tests, card scoring tests, but also more accessible tests such as the 5 seconds test. Some you have to perform in a lab setting, others can be done in the office and remotely. With the input from the usability tests you can improve your templates, look and feel and content on your site.

Speed ​​and performance

Many studies show that the speed of your site has a demonstrable effect on the number of visitors and conversion on your site. Fast sites convert better than slow ones. So site speed is important.

With large websites there are a lot of optimizations you can implement. That's in the technology, but also in the content. Improvements can often be made in the codebase to make database queries faster and scripts to run faster and more efficiently. But it is also worth looking at the content critically. Using smaller sized photos or using photos with smaller file sizes can work wonders!