Van Ons also qualified for an FD Gazellen Award in 2018. The prize is awarded annually to the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands. We also received the award last year. The criteria were slightly different this year than last year. In addition to a minimum turnover growth of 20% over three years, growth in the number of FTEs and growth in profit is now also being considered.


We are of course as proud as a peacock (/gazelle) that we can once again join this category of companies in the Netherlands. Since 2006, our team has been committed to providing the best possible technical solution for our customers. But then a solution that is easy to manage and that everyone can handle. By delivering a large part of the websites that we create in WordPress is that possible too?

Further growth

Since the start of our desk has changed a lot in the online world. But the needs of our customers have also slowly shifted. Where in the early days it was only necessary to deliver a working website, today we are expected to think about strategy, design or optimizing conversion. Logical. We try to meet those needs by writing blogs, recording vlogs, organizing workshops, publishing books and whitepapers, but also by expanding our range of services.

We do not believe in full service

We do not believe that as an agency you can do everything. Only a specialist can deliver the best quality in a specific field. Over the years we have built up a large network of friendly agencies and partners. We therefore know how to find the right link for every project to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. In this way we maximize the impact and results of each project.

What we do believe in is convenience. A point of contact for the customer, a point of contact who sets out the broad outlines and a point of contact who arranges everything. That is the path we as Van Ons have taken. With the aim: to make the web a little better. For our customers and the customers of our customers.

On to another year of growth!