ecabo-approved training companySince this week, Van Ons is an ECABO-accredited training company! This means that we are considered capable of guiding MBO students during an (work) internship. This means that we can certainly use an Application Developer! For more information, please contact

We have been working with HBO students for some time, from courses such as Communication & Multimedia Design and Computer Science. We enjoy having young, new influences in the company and you get unprecedented freedom and influence on the daily work. Learn a new programming language or encourage the use of a framework, everything is negotiable. This way you can also indicate in advance or gradually what you want to focus on or what you want to learn more about.

Why do an internship at Van Ons?

At the end of each internship you will have many more hands-on experiences, you will have worked for a number of great brands and you will have a better idea of ​​what your strengths and weaknesses are. Because we work with a close-knit team and get to know you well during the internship, the chance of further employment after the internship or your studies is often possible.