Beautiful bags with a good story. The cool bag brand O My Bag is one of the major WordPress WooCommerce users in the Netherlands. Van Ons linked the WordPress webshop to Exact Online!

O My Bag is working hard with its fair trade bags. With sustainable bags – designed in Amsterdam and made in India – O My Bag changes people's lives all over the world. The label can not only be found in the Netherlands, but can now also be found in 16 other countries.

“I think the idea that I can make a visible difference to people's lives in India with my label, because I really directly create employment and promote fair trade, is fantastic.” – Paulien

To get tens of thousands of orders into Exact Online with a minimum amount of manual work, O My Bag uses the WooCommerce Exact Online connection from ConnectPush.

“100% automation is a utopia. With tens of thousands of orders per year, the 80% that you do automate is an impactful step forward. This gives fast-growing organizations such as O My Bag the opportunity to spend more time on growth instead of administrative manual work!” – Bas van der Lans

The WooCommerce Exact Online connection from Van Ons saves O My Bag hours of manual work per day. Van Ons is proud of ConnectPush customer O My Bag!