Today Van Ons is launching an integration that makes it possible to link a Magento webshop to a Telegram account. This way, Magento webshop owners can see real-time orders in their Telegram account. On the specially launched site the links for Magento 1.9.x and Magento 2 can be downloaded.
Magento is very popular webshop software that is mainly used by larger webshops. Telegram, the counterpart of WhatsApp, is also a major player worldwide and offers developers the opportunity to develop additional functionalities and links themselves through the API.
It is not unknown that the economic impact of online stores has only increased in recent years. recently reached the milestone of €1 billion in turnover. CBS reported that 7 in 10 Dutch people made a purchase online in 2015 and that the average order amounts are between €100 and €500. This only increases the need for online retailers to always be aware of orders in the shop.
It is becoming increasingly important to know when an order has been placed and the amount involved
The link between Magento and Telegram responds to this. Linking your Magento webshop to your Telegram is a piece of cake with this piece of software. View on to see how it works and download the link so you can get started right away!