Amsterdam, June 22, 2015 – The Mediapark Annual Congress 2015 took place last Thursday in Hilversum. At the invitation of Immovator, Van Ons hosted a Mix & Match session about Beacons. Here - as promised on site - slides that provide guidance during the Beacon App Concept process: Van Ons' Beacon Concept Framework!
The eighth edition of the Mediapark Annual Congress took place on June 18. The program included a number of Dutch media entrepreneurs who are pioneering abroad.
The Mix & Match Beacon table included the Sound and Vision app and the Stampions App, which will see the light of day next Thursday. However, the central question was: what can you as an entrepreneur do with a Beacon application in your industry?
A tool for this was the Beacon Concept Framework as used by Van Ons when devising new Apps with clients:
In addition, there was a live demo of the innovative project 'Cameraad' by and TNO in which the editors call on eyewitnesses to provide a live video report: User Generated Live Video. The VPRO presented their first production with Virtual Reality of the series 'The Perfect Man' – a first that visitors can experience with Google Cardboard. And in the morning Henk Hagoort and Arno Otto explained the (digital) strategy of the NPO and RTL.
Enjoying the conference? View the 360 degree photos of the event from here, and download the Beacon Concept Framework slides and get started with the innovative Beacon App that changes your industry!
Van Ons thanks Immovator for the invitation Beacon sessions to host during Mix & Match!