When the user comes to the Tpf website, they are immediately asked which situation applies to them. If the user indicates that he is an “employee” (and therefore still working), all information that is relevant to, for example, pensioners is lost.
The user's choice is stored by means of cookies. This filters out irrelevant information throughout the site and the user only sees those things that matter to him with an action list per topic.
Important terms are highlighted in yellow in the text. When clicking on a concept, more explanation about this concept appears. This way, the user can absorb and understand the information in one go. The glossary can also be consulted in its entirety on a page specially designed for this purpose. All terms are clearly listed here and provide the user with a clear explanation.
And then there is the pension itself. What's in there and what's not? On the Pension-1-2-3 page the user sees an overview of the pension scheme. The details are clearly presented in blocks. The tabs at the top let the user know what he is looking at (main points or details) and relevant documents (PDFs) can be found under the “Documents” tab. This way, the user has all the details of the pension scheme at hand on one page. The user also has options on every page to contact Tpf.
Through a successful mix of design and technology, Tpf's content is presented in an accessible, understandable and contemporary way. The user sees information that is relevant to his situation and complex matter is explained and simplified as much as possible. Pensions as clear as day!